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Johannes Mike Mupisa

Johannes Mike Mupisa aka Chana CheMasvingo   Bred in the leafy suburb of Mpopoma in Bulawayo, Mupisa Johannes Mike is a heritage practitioner by profession, religious leader, script writer, novelist, spoken word artist and wordsmith from Mwenezi in Masvingo. His strides in academic research have seen him churning various works which even the Curriculum Development Unit saw fit to be part of  school curricula. His obsession with research and writing has seen his work published in various publications including but not limited to: A Practical Approach to Heritage Studies Book 4 (2018) and A Practical Approach to History Studies Book 2 (2019), both textbooks published by Secondary Book Press. His works have also been featured in the following publications: Chitungwiza Musha Mukuru (Mwanaka Publishing, 2020); Gangaidzanwa (Essential Publishers, 2020); Taura Izwi/Khuluma Izwi/Speak a Word (Secondary Book Press, 2017) The Long Night Ending (Essential Publishers, 2020); Ngoma yeDzimbahwe (self-published, 2020); Mupakwa Werwendo (Progressive Publishers, 2018) and many other works. He has a number of projects in line for publishing, and aspires to be perched on the zenith of literary excellence and to inspire souls to appreciate literature. He has also penned scripts for the films Gehena Harina Moto (Don Claude Entertainment) and Gure Rafumuka (2nd Street Writes). The two projects are available on YouTube.   Contact info:0775125488/ or follow my writings on my Facebook page Johannes Mike Mupisa.