How do I tell you?
Now that I’m a man —
My tongue suffers from life
I miss my mother’s breasts —
Sucking her titties till I pooped
The Chemistry of Childhood —
Milk (plus) Sleep (equals) Eden
Multiplied by the lies that lulled sleep
How do I tell you?
About my purgatory —
Days that rape my virginity
Nights that teach me to mourn —
Algebraic tears — I cannot solve
The Mathematics of Poverty —
Salary¹ (minus) Bills¹⁰ (equals) Broke
Ass — Beast of incessant servitude
How do I tell you?
About the hyenas on my corpse —
Canines whetted by chronic abortions
Tearing apart unmourned regrets —
Suicidal vultures — Fighting for scraps
The Physics of untamed misery —
Every actionⁿ¹ (equals) Opposite reactionⁿ²
Breaking the bones of my synthetic dreams
How do I tell you?
I flunked math in high school —
Now my life is not adding up
Hardships multiply — Like Covid —
Subtracting Nirvana from Perdition
The Quadratic equation for failure —
Life¹ (minus) Hopeⁿ² (equals) X
The value of X is Rope
Also by this poet:
Saberstian Talkmore Sibanda is a Poet, Writer and Digital storyteller @SaberstianZW. Also known by his moniker “The Black Mamba” — Saberstian writes about how thorns feel on his belly as he slithers through the savanna. A constant seeker of the truth — About the mysteries of life — Saberstian weaves potent words dipped in venom. He only seeks to poison all of life’s illusions — Revealing emotions, which would otherwise be lost betwixt stanzas and lofty words.