Makes her think twice about waking up
To endure the exertion of walking up
Four flights of stairs to get to an office
She hardly sits in because clients need
To see her face and doctors need
To check if the future is ready
To make her work just a little bit harder
Also by this poet:
The Old Chief is a millennial who fell in love with reading when his mother bought him Charles Mungoshi’s collection entitled, Stories from a Shona Childhood from Kingston’s when the bookshop was at the University of Zimbabwe. His first poem from the heart came after he read a creative work about Shaka Zulu from which he only retains in his mind the first two lines. He has two degrees in English and spends his days dreaming of farming and teaching English. He hopes to one day publish a short story (currently stored on his phone) so he can go on a date with its inspiration.